Each one language has it's excellency and assets. VB: VB.Net supporting Event Driven Language. VB.Net has WITH Construct, Which is not in C#. Vb.Net support for Optional Parameters. C#: C Sharp supporting Object Orientation. C Sharp is fully typed language than VB.Net. XML Documentation is generated from source code C Sharp supporting Operator Overloading. C Sharp supporting this operator. C Sharp supporting Pointer via Unsafe Block. In Dot Net We can share the libraries of languages collaborately in our programming. Dot Net supporting CLR, which helping to use the libraries of all the languages supported by .Net. .Net supporting more than 50 languages. .Net is an Language Independent Development Environment. So that it helping to the developers, coders very effiently. Even the J# developers can use the .Net environment for their development purposes.
An enthusiastic software developer