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Showing posts from January, 2011

SQL Server: How do get only Date from Datetime?

Hi, In real time business applications, we'll meet some scenarios like this. From our UI we'll send the Date time to the SQL Server to calculate the exact number of days different between today and the date passing by us. Actually the GETDATE() function of SQL Server gives the Server's Date time in this format: 2011-01-26 11:43:13.397 The Date time sending from client UI will be like this: 2011-01-02 12:00:00.000 When we try to calculate the exact number of days different between these it'll take time too. This may be give wrong answer. In this situation we can ommit the time part of the both dates. Here I wrote one SQL Server User Defined Function to achieve this.  CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[UFN_GetExactDate] (@InputDate DATETIME ) RETURNS DATETIME BEGIN DECLARE @OutputDate DATETIME SELECT @OutputDate= CAST ( CONVERT ( VARCHAR (25),@InputDate,101) AS DATETIME ) RETURN @OutputDate END We can use this UDF in our Stored procedures like this: SELECT [dbo].[UFN_GetExactDate...