What is Event delegation? Event delegation is Javascript as it relates to the DOM. It basically means that if you attach an event listener to a DOM element that listener is not only firing on that DOM element. It's actually firing on every children in that. So, for instance if you have a navigation and so you've got an unordered list you've got list items and then you've got anchor tags inside that navigation what you have. If you add an event listener to the ul element in essence you're actually adding event listener to all of the children as well. In short, JS event listeners fir not only on a single DOM element but on all its descendants. What is Event Bubbling? It's actually inverse of Event delegation. Also known as propagation, events on an DOM element will bubble up and also fire on all parents. What's the difference between "target" and "currentTarget"? target is the actual element that triggered the event for example clicked, wh...
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