Prism is a framework or the set of guidelines which is used to develop Composite or Complex applications specific to WPF, Silverlight or Windows Phone.
It's a kind of Design Pattern to develop XAML based applications. Prism mainly helps to design the Loosely Coupled components which can be easily integrated with other components of the application. It uses modularity and allows to break application into pieces can be called as Modules.
Prism uses design patterns like MVVM, Command Pattern, Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC) and Separation of Concerns to achieve Loosely Coupling.
Prism has the following advantages over other frameworks.
Reusability, Extensibility, Flexibility, Team Collaboration, Fault Tolerance, Maintainability and Modularity.
Prism has 5 main components:
1) Shell: Template that Defines structure of the UI. Shell can contains several regions.
2) Regions: Regions are used to specify specific portion of shell as elements to inject view at runtime.
3) Modules: These are major functional areas of the application. Each module need to be independent of other.
4) Views: Modules contains number of views. Usually, We implement MVVM pattern in views component.
5) Bootstrapper: This component is responsible for Creating Shell and initializing application.
To use the Prism in our application, we need to use the library called as Prism Library.
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