Almost all web developers facing this issue without knowing the path of the problem.
When we try to access the secure web sites, I mean https, Google Chrome browser says "Your connection is not private". What we do usually, just click ADVANCED link
and Proceed to (unsafe).
At times, we will not see Proceed to (unsafe) link after clicking ADVANCED. We see the below screen instead which says "You cannot visit right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later."
If you see the above screen don't get upset.
Type chrome://net-internals/#hsts in address bar and hit Enter.
In Delete domain enter your domain name and do delete. You can verify you domain's status in Query domain.
Once you done the specified steps then you can see Proceed to (unsafe) link.
When we try to access the secure web sites, I mean https, Google Chrome browser says "Your connection is not private". What we do usually, just click ADVANCED link
and Proceed to
At times, we will not see Proceed to
If you see the above screen don't get upset.
Type chrome://net-internals/#hsts in address bar and hit Enter.
In Delete domain enter your domain name and do delete. You can verify you domain's status in Query domain.
Once you done the specified steps then you can see Proceed to
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